pbas - post byron anxiety syndrome
Coming down from the Byron trip was'nt easy, but was made a little better by driving over to my bro's and seeing my Vespa as naked as the day it was born. Garren had stripped 99% of the Italian stalion while I was away, and it was awaiting its delivery to the paint stripping man. Whilst this was a surprise and a major step forward in its rebirth it demonstrated that its past was less than favourable. Some loon had pop rivetted a piece of galvanised tin over a large hole, err crater, on the scoots front bottom section. The headset also had a small chunk missing - which would be more serious as it was aluminium, and thus required special welding, ugh. Oh well, acceptance is the first step to recovery. (Current mood: glass half missing)

Coming down from the Byron trip was'nt easy, but was made a little better by driving over to my bro's and seeing my Vespa as naked as the day it was born. Garren had stripped 99% of the Italian stalion while I was away, and it was awaiting its delivery to the paint stripping man. Whilst this was a surprise and a major step forward in its rebirth it demonstrated that its past was less than favourable. Some loon had pop rivetted a piece of galvanised tin over a large hole, err crater, on the scoots front bottom section. The headset also had a small chunk missing - which would be more serious as it was aluminium, and thus required special welding, ugh. Oh well, acceptance is the first step to recovery. (Current mood: glass half missing)